Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky | tree OCR: TIFF Appendices bit data, higher ratios can be achieved These bitpianes often consist chicfly noise, in which casc Lirtle no loss in image quality witt I perceived. Paleue cotor images created in paint program generally compress much beticr than continuous tone scarned images. since paint images tend 0 be more repetitive. It is not unusual achieve compression ratios 10 to ] 1 or better using AZI palette color paint images. By way of comparison, PackBits, used in TIFF to black and white bilevel images, does you ap well on cclor patnt images. much less conunuous torhe grayscale and color images 1.2t seemed the about average fOT 4-bil images andf 8-bit images are warse It has been suggested that the LEIDD 1D scheme could 1 be used for continuous tone images. by 0ompressing each bitplane separ ...